It has been a few weeks and we are really settling into our new house. We were in the old house for almost one and half years. When looking at photo’s one would think “why did we stay so long”???
It is what you call a very simple African estate.
Now just look at the comparison, can a picture really say a thousand words?? I doubt it….. Believe it or not the price difference is less than $100.. God is Good!!!!
Some would say “how can you live like that?” “what about all those poor people you are trying to reach?”
“I thought you were a missionary..” “Shouldn't you live more simple?”
Oh believe me I could go on and on!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I am not glorifying materialism! We are to have things, not things have us! Fine line…
Where does it start and where does it stop? It’s so hard! Why even start?? I will just except the crap, live with it and hope to love it. It is probably easier to just fight the feelings of envy, jealousy, and coveting.
As a Missionary, oh lets not go there….
God has placed around us, an incredible group of people. From friends, family, to intercessors etc., the Lord has really used these people to help sustain us.
I don’t know how to say thank you enough, I am so blessed and through the generosity of others have been able to greatly bless the people of this beautiful Nation.
Blessing in the practical and in the spiritual!
So why the all the blessing? Why is it that we have been seeing so much favor yet so much opposition lately? Please allow me to throw some thoughts down on this. Mat. 7:8-11, Ps. 37:3-4, bottom line is God wants to bless us, he wants to give his children not just good but great gifts, I believe that one of the main reasons we are experiencing Gods favor and blessing upon our ministry and upon our life is that we are tithing a great deal, sowing back into Gods kingdom. We are not just tithing out of what we get but in faith giving what we feel the lord has laid on our hearts to give. Amazing enough that amount has always been there when it is time to give. It’s not a surprise, it’s a biblical principal… Give and it shall be given unto you Luke 6:38. Now this is not a formula I don’t think there are ABC’s or 123’s to figure out God.
Of course we also have an enemy who wants to side track, discourage, steal, kill and destroy all that the Lord wants to do in and through our lives.