Friday, December 19, 2008

Dreams/Visions/ Tears....Let there be God!!!

Clicking on the following link will take you to a video clip that a good friend of mine put together after hearing a dream that I shared with him. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see it!

Before watching it let me share with you the story behind it.
Dream of Rwanda!

I will have to go back a little ways in order for you to get the whole picture.
In 2002-03 God called us to go for him to Rwanda as we spent the next few years preparing our selves, God really began pouring his heart and vision for his people here into us. We spent many a nights crying our eyes as we would spend time in his presents having him downloading his heart in to our heart.
(Be careful asking for God's heart, if he knows you are serious and he decides to give it to you.... All I can say is...Holy crap!!!What was I thinking??? Gods heart is 100times my size and it was literally crushing me!!!)
I was on the floor balling uncontrollably and physically in pain. I found myself in the next moment begging God to stop!!! He told me "But Travis you said you wanted to feel what I feel for my people in Rwanda, you said you wanted my heart for them"! I told God I was so sorry but I can not handle his whole heart, for the very wight of it was going to kill me. I asked in return if he would settle to give me a piece I could carry. I latter made the same mistake telling God I wanted to see what he saw over Rwanda, I wanted to see with his eyes... It was way to much Info for me at that time. Again I had to beg the lord to stop showing me.
In 2005 we stepped into Rwanda and it was here that we joined the war that is going on over Rwanda.
Not a war of flesh and blood but a war in the spiritual realm, a battle of principalities and ruling spirits.
We have been on the front lines from then until now! The Principalities of this place do not want us here!! For they they know that we represent the very plans of the most high God.
They almost succeeded in our removal from this place back in April of this year when lies and rumors were being spread wildly about us until finally the Gov. asked us to leave. It was through much prayer and I believe God him self came down on our behalf. When One hour before we had to be at the airport we received word that it was a big misunderstanding and that we did not have to go. I do not have to tell you about the rejoicing that went on around the world after that.
We did fly out away, not because we had to but because we decided to take that time and have a little holiday. The first in three years!! This was on April 3rd, the birthday of my lovely wife. On April 4th at around two or three in the morning I was woken up by this dream. All I could do was cry when the Lord told me "Travis I want to show you what you are really fighting for, I want you to see the big picture!" He went on to tell me that we were not alone and that he had his servants those were his laid down lovers, positioned all over the continent fighting for the same vision!

Please take your time and watch the following clip. I will then share more. Dream of Rwanda!

Rwanda The land of a Thousand hills! Rwanda "THE HEART OF AFRICA"!!!

With out having to use to many words at the risk of this going on for hours...
Rwanda is known as the heart of Africa! A heart pumps blood through out the body giving it life... With out the heart pumping the necessary blood that the body needs the body will get feeble, week, and sick. You could say that the heart brings life to the body! As soon as the heart is not working properly or stops, you see the effects instantly in the body.
Rwanda Is holding keys, Keys to unlock the biggest African revival in history!
Keys that will change the way that the world looks at Africa! Africa Known to the world as the dark continent...known for the wars, famine, death, Genocide's, etc...
This will change!!!! God says this is his continent and he wants to see his Glory and his kingdom to be established and it will be known once again to the world, but known as a continent of light! A place that will shine and become a beckon to the world as the glory and the power of God is shown burning through the nations of Africa. Burning like a wild fire!!! Blazing, burning, shining brighter than the sun... Showing the world what happens when God is given control of a Nation!

Arise Oh heart and sync your beating with the beating of the heart of your God. The Father in Heaven is calling you to take your place in the body.
You have been weak and feeble long enough! You have been made to be sick so that you can not do your job.
What are you pumping through the body??? Do not let the poison of pride, fear, deceit, and destruction enter the blood stream!
On the contrary let the heart beat with humility falling on it's knees and praying, then God says "I will hear from heaven and come and will heal your land"!

God is longing for the chance to make his heart strong and healthy, vibrant and full of life. So that he might pump his very self through the blood vessels of his body.
wake up oh heart of Africa! Take the keys the Lord has given to you and unlock the chambers to the heart so he can use you to pump his life giving blood to his body!

If you do not take your place, I will strip you of your keys and give them to another...For I will have my way!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

No Lord, any thing but that!!! Part 2

It appears that the story is to be continued.... Why???

When arriving there it was just as I had suspected. We filled the necessary paper work and then came the question. what do you want with these boys? I could tell that the police officer wanted to see justice served. In spite of that I told them that I had gotten a very large amount of my things back and that the boys were being very helpful.I told them that I for saw that they were going to have many problems with the people that they sold my stuff to and felt that, that in itself was a very good punishment.
With all that said I told them that I would not press charges and that they could let the boys go. I also had asked if I could see Baptist because I still had some questions for him.
I found out that he was no longer there but transferred to another place about 30min away. But I of course really wanted to talk to him I asked them to please take me to him. after arriving there I was able to see Baptist but not really take to him much. I did how ever tell him that I forgave him and that I did not hold anything against him. Letting him know that I had told the police that he was free to go. He was very happy of course, then time was up... I was able to add that I wanted to talk with him when he was out! It is not easy to talk when having people hanging over your shoulder.
When I was on my way back to Kigali I was informed that Baptist would be moved to one of the near by prison's the following day. I was a bit confused but it some how confirmed my thinking. No matter what I said it was not going to change what was happening to Baptist. They did not want him to go free! He would go to prison and for how long?? I have no idea... one of the officers mentioned that it should be about a month.
I don't know Gods plan for this and what will happen in the future to Baptist.
What I do know is that my heart has changed and I have and am ready to do that what God has told me to do. I think often of Baptist and what he must be going through in this moment. I was told that his wife is carrying his baby right now.I pray often for the both of them!

This is why I say it is to be Continued.... Only God now knows the out come!