Last Sunday we were invited to come and speak in a church about 25min north of Bujumbura. We had no idea what to expect! We were pleasantly surprised with a church filled with 75% under eight teen years old. Oh man was it fun!!!
Got my best (only) cloths on and are ready for church...... I don't know sometimes they can be so loud!
All kids from the community trying to decide if they should come to the church or not.
Worship Begins/ Lead by the kids mind you... how cool!
After speaking we began to pray for every one.
He thought it was about time to start with music again.
All in all it was an awesome day as we got to see God pour out him self on these kids! it was my understanding that there were some people missing from the church that day. None the less God was pleased with his church last Sunday! I will attend a church like that any day! Gives a whole new meaning to child like!
Rwanda and Burundi Once know as one Nation, one people…. This was changed during the time of colonialism. There was a split and the people divided! Forming now two nations, two governments and somehow two people
Yet in the Spirit they are still looked at as one! Both nations are known as the heart of Africa.
They are also known as sister nations; I would go as far as calling them twins! When you look at them at first it is so easy to tell that they are related. The more time you spend with them you begin to realize that yes they are very much related but just like real sisters they are also quite different.
Rwanda appears very much to be the older sister. More developed, can express it’s self much more, is in the center of attention, (like most older sibling’s) want to be in charge, (as reaching adolescence)knows what’s best and does not like to be told what to do by any one, etc. etc. the list can go on and on.
You know in the times of the bible and I believe even in some cultures today, the first born usually gets what is known as the birth right. Most often this means that the first born has the right to the largest and or best part of the father’s estate. This can cover land, livestock, money, etc., when the birth right is handed over. It normally comes with the fathers blessing.
I believe that Rwanda is the first born of the sister nations therefore was given a birth right and blessing by the father in Heaven to be a carrier of his presents and to display the very power of God, as the heart of his African body they are to pump his glory and power through the nations of Africa. Call it a spiritual heritage if you will!!In history you will find that this very thing started to take place on several occasions but as fast as it started it was also somehow stopped. The heart of Africa has seen Meer glimpse’ of what God has planned for his body!
In my observation and time spent with the people of the two sister nations I can give this as an analogy.
In the bible Luke 10:38-42 tells a short story about two sisters Mary and Martha. When Jesus and his disciples came to a village, a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. Her sister Mary sat at the Lords feet, listening to what he taught. Martha was worrying about all the details for the meal preparations. She went to Jesus and said “ Lord isn’t unfair” (another translation says)”Lord doesn’t it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work?”
Two sisters, two attitudes …. One is what you would call a busy bee… focused on nothing but the tasks at hand. Always working, always busy, always concerned with what (it) looks like, always pointing the finger at what the other is doing or not doing… The other attitude is quite different! It Says she Sat at the Lords feet, listening to what he taught. No details, no work, no concerns, it was an attitude of this is the Master and I must be with him at all cost. I have something to gain from just being at his feet! Notice the response of Jesus to Martha. “Martha you are so upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about, Mary has discovered it- and I won’t take it away from her.”Jesus did not tell her that all her work was in vain or that she was wrong to work so hard. It was a matter of priorities. What is the focus on? What comes first?
Rwanda is very much like Martha… They have a very large goal and much work to do! The focus on the development of the nation is for sure the key priority. When there you can really see that everything is busy, busy, busy, work, work, work, buildings going up right and left, changes occurring around every corner, they have been doing an amazing job and at the pace they are moving I am sure they will reach their 2020 vision goal and if not then they will just barely. It is impossible to go there and not be impressed! First thing from everybody’s mouths is “Wow how clean!, how secure!, So beautiful!” This is partially true. In Rwanda you learn the saying that nothing is what it seems….This is the truth! As Martha they are very busy, concerned very much with what (IT…)looks like, and always pointing at the other, focused on what the other is doing or not doing. This comes with a very high cost and it is the people paying it.
The people are so precious! But they are living in a lie and extreme pain!! Trauma cases raise almost every year (when they should be decreasing..) when you’re identity is taken away from you and your not free to talk about who you are. “Oh Martha why are you so worried about all these things?”
“Mary has discovered it- and I will not take it away from her.” So far my observation and feelingabout Burundi is that of Mary, Martha’s sister. Not worried about details. The people are not high strung at all but very low key and easy going. I see that attitude that was in Mary, just wanting to sit at the Masters feet and listen. There seems to be such a hunger for God and a desire to hear what he has to say. Of course with such a contrast as this I can not say that Mary is found with out any troubles at all. I am sure as we continue to keep our eyes on the Lord and pray we will begin to be shown more and more of God's plans for these beautiful people.
I believe that just as Rwanda and Burundi has the same past, torn by years of war and genocide. They also have the same future, calling, or heritage if you will. Both sister Nations are known as the heart of Africa! They have a very big job to do, if they are going to see the power and glory of the Lord Pumped through the vein’s of the African body, the body of course being the continent of Africa…..
Just as it is in the case of a real heart, if all the chambers of the heart are not working properly then it puts a stress on the parts that are. The result of this is having a weak heart and if the heart is weak then the body will be weak as well! So it is with the heart of Africa (Burundi & Rwanda), God desires them to be strong and healthy. Living in humility and displaying extreme righteousness! As they humble themselves, repent and fall on their knees to pray, God says he will hear from heaven come and heal their land. This is just the beginning!!!
You see for many years now, I would venture to say more than a decade. God has been speaking to his heart about his desire to bring them in to a promise land, a land flowing with milk and honey….(sound familiar???) That he is going to pour his spirit out in a mighty way and that great revival will sweep through his heart and not stop there but grow in momentum as it gets pumped through nation after African nation. We will even see and feel the effects of it in the west!!(How can we not) But it will start right in the heart! It is not hard to see why the enemy wants to kill the heart through, Genocide, etc ….. it was happening long before anyone was even aware! Is it really over now??? Or is it just changing names and faces?? We couldn’t or wouldn’t define it when it was slapping us in the faces. So now it is even easier to ignore what is happening! What am I talking about? Oh nothing, everything is great! There is finally peace and things have never been better…..The world had no idea what was going on then and I wonder if they even know any more now.
Satan will do anything to see that This Continent is known as nothing less than the Dark Continent!
God is changing this!!! Keep your ear to the ground; things are happening all over this African body of Christ!
Revival is coming to Africa and it will no longer be known as the Dark Continent!!! There are revival fires starting all over, and Africa will be SAVED!!!!
One thing you should know and one thing you will find out, it is that I live to follow God. My greatest desire in life is to hear his voice and obey.
So what does that look like?
Come and join mission with me as I try to answer that question.