I would like to share the very paraphrased version of Sozo Ministries Africa's “God Story”
It has been almost five years since the Lord had called us to work in the heart of Africa. It truly has been filled with ups and downs. Anyone that knows us could say that we are either completely insane or truly following a call by God. I tend to lean toward the later.
Four and a half years we spent in intense labor, striving to obtain our Organization's national registration in Rwanda. In the first thought one would think who in their right mind would stay some where for so long when it seems to be obvious that it is not working? Believe me it crossed my mind more than once.
But the truth is, I am not in (my) right mind. I have the mind of Christ, who, for the joy set before him endured death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:1-8)
The Lord has set a Joy before (SMA) Sozo Ministries Africa, a joy of his glory being poured out on the least of these, in the heart of Africa in such a mighty way that a hot fiery revival will break out in the heart and then sweep through the continent making the east Africa revival that took place in the 70's look like nothing.
It is this joy before us that makes us to endure! We have not understood everything that has happened but do understand that our God is Sovereign. He is preparing his heart! We have tripped many times along the way, meaning that we are not perfect and have made our amount of mistakes. Yet God remains Sovereign and on course with his plan.In October of 2008 God warned me in a dream that we were going to be leaving Rwanda and were to go to Burundi to start (SMA) Sozo Ministries Africa. I knew this was from God but disagreed. I knew nothing about Burundi, only that it was next door and most likely still at war. I fought the Lord for a long time, trying like Moses to change his mind.....As I said above I have made my share of mistakes.
In January 2009, we were told that we had to leave Rwanda, we had no choice in the matter. On my drive home God Showed up in the Car. He said “Travis now what? I gave you 3 months to prepare, now you have 1 week. What are you going to do?” I repented and cried all the way home. I told the Lord there was nothing for me to do but to obey. I will go to Burundi and start SMA as you have said.
It was when I arrived in Burundi that I learned it to is called the heart of Africa, some have even called it the heart of the heart. What joy to know that we were not moved out of the heart but into the center chamber. God remains Sovereign and on track.
In the beginning of June the Lord gave me the Scripture out of Zechariah 4:6-7. (paraphrased) “not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord. The mountain will become level, God bless it, God bless it” I began to pray this out. “Lord I know that there is nothing man can do to make this registration happen, it must rely only on your spirit to do this. Lord take this mountain and make it level that all will see your glory and shout, may God bless it, may God bless it.” At this time I really felt that we would have the registration before June 20th. That same week in a meeting at Foreign Affairs I was told “ I am sorry but you will just have to wait and plan your activities for January 2011.
on Sunday June 13th while in church the Lord told me to read in Daniel chapter 10, the story of the Angle appearing to Daniel. He had been fasting and praying for many days the Angle told him that he was sent out with Daniel's answer on the first day but there was a war going on and he was held by the prince of Persia, after 21 days the Angle Michael known as one of the chief Angle's came to help him.
The Lord spoke to me through this, showing me that our answer of our registration was already sent but that there was in fact a war going on in the Heavens. Something or someone was holding it from happening.
I began to pray on the spot saying “ Lord I know your will, I know that you want this to happen. I know that in the heavens this registration has already taken place and I agree with you. Now will you send your waring Angle's to battle the enemy that is trying to hold this from happening. I ask now that you will free up this messenger that is holding this registration so that he can come and deliver that which he was sent for so long ago.
Two days later on Tuesday June 15th the secretary walked out of the Ministers office holding our signed Agreement. He looked at me and said “I don't know how you did it, but I want to be the first to congratulate you on your registration”.
Not by might, Not by power, But by my Spirit says the Lord!!!!
This is truly a God Story! Thank you to all that have stood by us and this ministry through out these long hard years. I would like to say that we are at the end but the truth is the journey has just began!
Please feel free to share this with as many people as you want, to God be the Glory!