When you hear the words “Mission” or “missionary” What is it that comes to mind? No No I am not going to answer it, it’s your mind.
According to an online dictonary I found, they describe “mission” as:
1. An organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work.
2. An operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; "the planes were on a bombing mission".
3. A task that has been assigned to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message".
4. The organized work of a religious missionary.
5. A group of representatives or delegates.
Their definition of a “missionary” is:
1. Someone who attempts to convert others to a particular doctrine or program.
2. Someone sent on a mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country.
Now lets be honest these two little words carry a lot of meaning and with that meaning there is also pictures that come with it. If some one was to ask you, what does being a missionary mean or what does it look like? Depending on your religious background, experience, knowledge, and or upbringing you would have some interesting things to say. I would think.
Let me take you on my findings.
(Please understand that the following is based on my own studies, life, and experience.)
A blast from the past; long, long ago the former missionaries or as I call them the old School, made some mistakes. Mind you, they did their best with what they had. Needless to say they came in where ever they were, very domineering making some big demands and forcing some radical changes upon the people. (Dress like us, talk like us, eat like us, dance like us, worship like us, do & be like us.)
I have been in missions for about eight years, on and off since 1995. I have had the wonderful opportunity to work in and out the church in about nine different nations.
What I found was quit sad, a separation of people (culture) and the church. All the churches I have worked with or along side have been national, no matter what nation I was in. Every where I went, it was. “If you want to be effective here, this is what you need to know” (Dress like us, talk like us, eat like us, dance like us, worship like us, do & be like us.) My thought was oh Lord the roles have been reversed!! Do they really know what they are saying??
Then I take a few steps out of the doors and wow what a difference!!!
Pain, nakedness, fear, trauma, tears, hunger, etc. and they don’t care what I dress like, how I talk, what I eat. They can see I’m different and they except that. Do I except them? I want to bring them to Jesus but my fear is I don’t want them to become one of those, well you know…..
Question: When you’re lost, dieing and alone do you care what JESUS looks like? Do you care how or from whom your help comes from?
In my experience the church does….
Don’t get me wrong, I by no means am a church basher. I love lord with all my heart and adore his Body the church. All I am saying is let’s redefine shall we.