Can you see it?? Look closely at the photo’s, It’s there you know.
Let me share with you part of a dream I had on Nov.26, 2004. Perhaps it will help you to see what I see.
I was on a big property by the water. There were palm trees and a very big building. There were many other smaller buildings like bungalows on the compound as well. Little black and white children running all around. There were many more details but that was the just of it.
I woke up to the sound of my voice, praying about this place I saw in my dream; asking the Lord where it was, and to make it so in his timing. I also asked him what this place would be called.
I fell back to sleep, and again I saw the land only this time I was looking at the big building. On the buildings wall was written in huge letters “Heaven Touching Earth.” Instantly I was awake, I got out of bed right away to write this dream down as I had seen it, praying all the while that if this was from the Lord that He would make it happen in his timing.
Since then the Lord has added to that dream. I can not remember exactly when, but it was not long after that dream, that the Lord had given me a vision. I saw that huge building again, this time I was inside. I saw children every where, they were on their knees before God worshiping and crying out to him. It was so intense! I saw the Lord coming and touching the children and people in the building, setting them free from their pain, sicknesses, and traumas. Then raising them up as whole, healthy, spiritual warriors with no fear. They went out, chasing the darkness out of their Nation. And doing as He had done to them; setting people free from their pains, sicknesses, and traumas.
I asked the Lord if such a place could exist and if so to please let me be a partaker.
He told me that if I would follow his every direction, and facilitate such a place without getting in his way, that it will be so. He will come, He will touch, He will set free, and it will be a place where Heaven will touch earth!!!
This is very humbling, such a task is so great and bigger than I can fathom! Yet I have seen the Lords hand in every step assuring me that it is him and not me who will accomplish such a thing. This is his project, these are his people, and I am but a partaker in his glorious plan.
He has provided land and building plans. A builder has expressed interest to help. Today, Heaven Touching Earth is in the stage of raising the funds for the development of the land and building of the buildings.
Please pray with us and believe with us that such a place will exist, a place of education, healing, and spiritual preparation. A place of wholeness for at least 256 orphans and 32 widows!
Look again at the photos. Can you see it?? I can…