I was sitting in my living room just a few days ago, reflecting on things in the past. Here I am drinking my morning cup of coffee, staring off in to space, when all of a sudden I have this over whelming since of thankfulness and humility come over me.
We have now been here in Rwanda for about 21 months that is almost two years with out leaving.
I thought, WOW GOD, I nor my family, have been sick in almost two years. This is amazing!!!! No really it is!!! We live in Africa, people all around us are always having problems. Whether it is malaria, hepatitis A, endless stomach problems, etc. etc. From the locals to the internationals, sickness is just very common here.
Of course we have had the minor colds due to climate changes, and once in a great while one of the girls would get a minor ear infection. But no sicknesses, I really began to pray and worship God over this.
This is not something that I want to over look or chalk up to coincidence. This is the Lords mighty hand of protection upon my family and me.
I remembered back to the year that I spent in Kenya. I had gotten malaria four times, and remember spending more time on the toilet than any where else. It seemed if Astrid and I were always sick at some time. We were for sure in a tuff place. In every aspect of our lives we felt we were dieing. Towards the end of the year we were dry bones walking, physically, emotionally, spiritually, just barley hanging on. God was all we had left, and even that was sometimes questionable.
I say all that to say this, we were taught some very valuable lesions in that year, before, during and after.
All of which I can not write now with out going on for days, perhaps in our book one day, Ha Ha….
One of the valuable lesions we had learned was when going out on mission, bath, surround, and soak your self in prayer. Have a team of intercessors dedicated to you and your mission.
This we have done!!! By no means were we planning on being Satan’s play toys again. Before going to Rwanda we had shaped around us a mighty team. A team of family, friends, and even strangers whom believe in what God is doing through our ministry and in this wonderful Nation, dedicated to pray for us, our ministry, and this nation. We have seen Gods power, felt his protection, and have been blessed to see this team even grow through the months. THANK YOU INTERSESORS! The fruit of this Nation is yours.
But most of all THANK YOU GOD!! May your Glory continue to fall on this place, and your wholeness fill this Nation.
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