Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Promise Land....

Recently I revisited the story in the bible of how God had taken his children out of Egypt, led them through the desert and into the promise land. I found it strange that after reading and meditating on it, I couldn't help but to feel that the Lord was using this story to bring me comfort in my own circumstances. The more I thought about it the more lessons and similarities I began to see in my own life.
In 2005 the Lord led me and my family out of where we were. No we were not in captivity yet at times it might of felt that way. What I mean is that there was a promise land set before us and a vision from the Lord of what it looked like. We could not take all that we had but were extremely limited to the rules and regulations of flying. We had never been there before and really had no clue on how to go. But the Promise land was there and I knew it, I could feel it, I would see it in my dreams. So with God given vision and him as our guide we left on our journey.

From that time till now I guess you could say was our desert experience.... I heard a pastor once teach that the way that God took his people was not the shortest route. If you were to look at it on a map you would find that there in fact was an easier and shorter route they could of taken. I don't know if this is true, but it does some how make since to me. I have often asked the Lord “why is this taking so long?”
Along the way we have had some good times and some bad times. I cant help but to wonder if the best times had come due to our mermering and complaining, so out of the Lords mercy and grace he said ok here is some water, here is some mana, here is some meat. In our case it looked more like: “ok here are some miracles, here is some refreshing, here is a small taste of what it will look like.”

August of this year (2010) will mark our journey at 5years. Through this time I must admit there has been times that I have lost sight of the vision. Times of wanting to just give up and throw in the towel. Times of questioning: Is that really you God?, Did I really hear you? Why did you bring us out here to die? (spiritually speaking,...OK maybe physically also.) Times of feeling like a complete failure as a christian, husband, and father.....
It of course did not help our journey and understanding, having the nay Sayers around us. But just like God's people in the desert I believe it was necessary in a since. I don't say I understand it but I do see that God aloud them to be there for a season in the journey. It is unclear just what roll they play in the over all journey. Was it for discouragement? Was it to make us stronger, not to waver in our thinking? Was it that they just cared so much and their lack of understanding was just as great as ours, but they wanted to protect us from possible hurt?

The why & what questions have been the top questions for me in these last five years. Why does it take me 5years to get my ministry registered in a developing nation? What did I do wrong to be removed from a country twice? Why can't more people see my heart? Why did I have to give up 8 of my precious children? What did I do wrong? What law did I break? Why is it that injustice seems to be prevailing? Why can't more people stand against injustice and unrighteousness? Why do people fear something that can not touch them? Why can't people store up their treasures in Heaven?

I could go on and on, I do have answers to most of these questions but I am afraid they would not appease most.
As I sit now, I am on the banks of the Jordan river. The Promise land is on the other side. I see it! All we have to do is cross the river. No need to send spies into the land, it is already ours. We only need to cross and take it. I don't know how long it will take us to cross this river but we will cross and when we do the much awaited promise will be there.

The Lord has continued to remind us through this time that he is the one in control, he is the one leading and he is the one providing. God keeps pointing us to Deuteronomy chapter 8 in the old testament of the bible. The whole chapter is really nice but I will put emphasis on the verses that jumped of the page slapped me.

Deuteronomy8:1-20 Be careful to obey all the commands I am giving you today. Then you will live and multiply, and you will enter and occupy the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors. 2. Remember how the Lord your God led you through the wilderness for forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would really obey his commands.3b. He did it to teach you that people need more than bread for their life; real life comes by feeding on every word of the Lord. 6. So obey the commands of the Lord your God by walking in his ways and fearing him.
7. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with springs that gush forth in the valleys and hills. 10. When you have eaten your fill, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11. But that is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and laws. 12. For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine homes to live in.13. and when your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver and gold have multiplied along with everything else, 14a. that is the time to be careful. Do not become proud at that time and forget the lord your God, 17. He did it so you would never think that it was your own strength and energy that made you wealthy. 18. Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you the power to become rich, and he does it to fulfill the covenant he made with your ancestors.

We to have a promise, a promise of a children s village that will raise up a mighty army of God of the least of these. That every one who steps foot on the land will be made whole, that if we do this Gods way and not mans way we will see his power, glory, and presents not only rest but rule and reign in the place. It will be a place where revival will be birthed in hearts of many, burning, and growing then be a launching ground into the Nations of Africa for the purpose of seeing the continent or Africa become a continent of Light and not darkness.

This is what I will say amen to, this what I will serve until the day I die....(Strong words require a stronger belief and a strong belief is accompanied by an obedience to the calling that goes beyond our human understanding.)


Eric & Kyla Sliger said...

Amen, brother.... we DO have a promise. And a promise is a promise! No time frame for that... just a promise that he'll deliver on in His time. Praise him for the water and manna... no other way to get us where he needs us to be. You're in our prayers.. as we have much compassion for the desert and journey.. Love, Kyla & Eric

Tim Reed said...

bro i totally agree.... sometimes we want God's "5 year plan" laid out in front of us... will God doesn't really work that way. We have to be obediant and live our days for him One at a time.