Some of the players from the former Football (Soccer) team of Brazil were here in Burundi to play against the national team. You know the former world cup champions...
They were traveling around different African nations playing some games, handing out foot balls, and raising some awareness on some issues. At least this was my understanding of what was happening. Now I understood why it was when we had taken are girls to the pool on Saturday that it was so busy and everybody was freaking out about these guys...
Let me, let you in on a little secret, I am not like most guys. Don't get me wrong I do like sports. But I am not the kind of guy that knows all the names of every team and who is playing on each team and where they played before they were on that team...etc... You wont find me doing what ever it takes to make sure that I get to see every super bowl or every world cup...
With that said, I do like the game though, I am just not what you would call a die hard. How was I suppose to know who I was saying hi to on that hot Saturday at the pool, or who Jasmin and Yaida were waving at as we walked past them on the beach. I did not know these were the guys that I would be watching play foot ball the next day against the Burundi National team.
Now that I look back at it, it's kind of funny. I got some nice photo's of the game. I guess this goes to show, you just never know who you might meet or who is that stranger you sat next to in the plane. The man or woman that smiles at you in the store or on the street.
All this made me think of something even deeper than that important person who we may have met or got to talk to. The celebrity that maybe shook our hand, etc...
I began to think, I wonder how many times that I have had an encounter with one of the Lords angels or messengers and didn't realize really who was helping me or directing me at that moment. One music artist says it best in one of his songs when he sings "maybe we are entertaining angels unaware"...
I know, you might think, Gosh Travis that is a far stretch from meeting some professional football players, how the hec did you get that one??
But that is how my mind works. One of my mentors once told me that to be a disciple, you should be able to go in to any conversation or situation and come out of it gaining something learning something. You see the word disciple means (learner)! So I guess to be a learner is to be a disciple, one that is always learning and always growing is one who is a disciple.
The question is what are you learning and what are you growing in??? I hope the answer is the ways of the Lord!
Anyways, enjoy the few good photo's that I got of the Brazil & Burundi game. It ended at Brazil 1 and Burundi 0, It was impressive to see that the Burundian's had control of the ball the majority of the time...

This almost looks like a Christmas tree outside one of the stadium gates, I counted at least seven guys.
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