Friday, October 29, 2010
Love Part 4
6.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
For a real understanding of these two verses I want to define the underlined words and talk about them a bit.
Love does not delight in evil, what is it to delight in some thing?
To give great pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment to; please highly
In Psalms 37:4 it says to delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
This tells me to (give) great pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment to the Lord. To please him highly. In return he will give me my hearts desire. This would mean that I must first know or learn that which brings him (God) great pleasure or enjoyment. I believe that once I am truly serving God with great pleasure and walking in the center of his will then comes the real enjoyment and satisfaction of life,
As he begins to give us the desires of our heart.
What we fail to realize is that the time we spend enjoying his presents and serving him with great pleasure. He begins to deposit things in our lives. He awakens and places his desires in us.
So that would mean at the moment of getting our hearts desires, they are really Gods desires that he has placed in us.
Delighting in him!! AHHH... what a beautiful thing!
1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked
2. harmful; injurious: evil laws.
3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
5.marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.
6. that which is evil; evil quality, intention, or conduct: to choose the lesser of two evils.
7. the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.
8. the wicked or immoral part of someone or something: The evil in his nature has destroyed the good.
9. harm; mischief; misfortune: to wish one evil.
10. anything causing injury or harm
11. a harmful aspect, effect, or consequence
13. in an evil manner; badly; ill: It went evil with him.
14. the evil one, the devil; Satan.
sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2. pernicious, destructive. 3. wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 4. disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.
Real Love does not find satisfaction, enjoyment, or great pleasure in anything morally wrong or bad, harmful or injurious, misfortune or suffering, corruption, etc.etc.
On the contrary it “rejoices with the Truth”.
1. The true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. Conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. The state or character of being true.
5. Actuality or actual existence.
6. An obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
7. Honesty; integrity; truthfulness.
8. Ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life.
9. Agreement with a standard or original.
10. Accuracy, as of position or adjustment.
One of my favorites is in found in John 14:6, where Jesus says “I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life”
so this means that Jesus is the true and actual state of anything that matters. Jesus is the verified indisputable fact, proposition, and principle. If he is truth then it is through him and only him where we have actual existence. With out him there is no real honesty, integrity, or truthfulness. Jesus is the fundamental reality.
Love rejoices with the Truth!
It (love) always Protects,
1. To shield from injury or harm
2. To secure or preserve against encroachment, infringement, restriction, or violation : maintain the status or integrity of esp. through legal or constitutional guarantees.
3. To defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
4. To provide, or be capable of providing, protection
With this definition I asked my self, does the love I say I have for my spouse, family, and friends always protect? Lets look at this a bit closer. Number one is an easy one any one would want to keep those we love from injury or harm. Number two is where it got me thinking. To secure against encroachment.
1. To intrude gradually, stealthily, or insidiously upon the rights, property, etc, of another
2. To advance beyond the usual or proper limits.
3. Intrusion, invasion, tresspass, violation.
I know that for me there are many times when I am in a silly mood or playful mood that I advance beyond my children's usual or proper limits. Leaving them feeling angry or upset because of my behavior or actions toward them. On one side I am raising them to set boundaries and limits in their lives. Then on the other side I come along and do something that shows them that I don't care about their limits and that it is ok to violate the limits that I help them set. I am not guarding them from annoyance or insult but instead causing it. I of course try to lighten the offense by saying some thing like “ oh come on I was just playing or, I was only joking around.” I even tell them after I pushed their limits and make them upset, to not be so sensitive. God's word says “Parents do not Provoke your children to anger”.
I can even do the same with my spouse. When I am in a mood for intimacy and thinking of the satisfaction of my own desires (hormones). It is very easy to not consider the state she might be in but out of love and submission she might give her self to me any ways, only leaving her with a sort of feeling of violation. Like being a piece of meat or property.
That is not Protecting but Encroaching an that is NOT LOVE......
Love always Trusts
Trusts: on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2.confident expectation of something; hope. rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually fol. by in or to ): to trust in another's honesty. have confidence; hope have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on. believe.
7.certainty, belief, faith. Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. 8.Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents. 9.Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events. 10. Assurance implies absolute confidence and certainty: to feel an assurance of victory; commitment; commission; credit; entrust
It is a good feeling when you have someone in your life that you know you can trust. You place all your confidence in them you rely on them, there is a since of security with them. It is as if they are holding you at times. You believe in them and they in you.
I don't know about you but I have one of those people in my life; my wife, she is one that holds me together at times, I have 100% confidence in her, her integrity and honesty can be relied on. She has proven over and over again that I can depend on her. Love always trust! Thank God for her in my life, I can always trust her.
I want people to feel the same way about me that I feel about my wife. it is a beautiful feeling when you know that you have someones 100% trust. On the other hand when that trust has been violated you feel crushed. Love has been disturbed, interrupted, violated.
Lord help me to always Love (trust), and be one that can be trusted (Loved)..
Love always Hopes
1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
2. a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning.
3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope of his recovery.
4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered: The medicine was her last hope.
5. something that is hoped for: Her forgiveness is my constant hope.
–verb (used with object)
6. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
7. to believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory.
–verb (used without object)
8. to feel that something desired may happen: We hope for an early spring.
9. to place trust
This is very understandable, Love most definitely hopes. I have seen this through the years when I was growing up. I had some friends that came from pretty broken messed up homes. Their fathers were doing drugs and many times coming home drunk. My friends their siblings and their mothers would often be abused physically, verbally, and emotionally. I happened to be spending the night during one of these occasions. It was such a scary, emotional time. I could not understand why my friend and their mom just didn't leave the situation. I have seen it time and time again through the years.
Some where in the beginning there was Love. But on one side it began to get a little warped. Maybe a little abuse started, or unfaithfulness but because the one side still had love (hope), it continued.
Yet time after time, abuse after abuse, adultery after adultery. The one side that has Love (hope) keeps it going, hoping it will turn out for the best.
I have a deep respect for those people who hang in there as long as they can!!!! they have real Love.
Love always perseveres
perseveres: persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.
2. to bolster, sustain, or uphold: unflagging faith that had persevered him.
1.doggedness, steadfastness, Perseverance, persistence, tenacity, pertinacity imply resolute and unyielding holding on in following a course of action. Perseverance commonly suggests activity maintained in spite of difficulties or steadfast and long-continued application: Endurance and perseverance combined to win in the end. It is regularly used in a favorable sense.
I thank God for perseverance. If it was not for perseverance on both my wifes and my side, this adventurous loving relationship that was put together by God would not have lasted this long.
I can say in all honesty, that there has been incredible difficulties. The fact that we are from two different continents alone is one difficulty we overcame.
I will not even go into the numerous obstacles that have been springing up over the years all covered with heaping loads of discouragement.
Thank you God for Perseverance!!
Love is not easy at times, really not easy, but it always perseveres. May God give all of you that are in those times of perseverance a supernatural strength to hang on.
May we all have the kind of love that always protects, trust, hopes, and perseveres...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Love Part 3
Love is not rude,
1.Discourteous or impolite, esp. in a deliberate way: a rude reply.
2.Without culture, learning, or refinement
3.Rough in manners or behavior; unmannerly; uncouth.
4.Rough, harsh, or ungentle.
5.Roughly wrought, built, or formed; of a crude construction or kind: a rude cottage.
6.Not properly or fully developed; raw; uninvolved: a rude first stage of development.
7.Harsh to the ear: rude sounds.
8.Without artistic elegance; of a primitive simplicity: a rude design.
9.Violent or tempestuous, as the waves.
1.Uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh.2.Unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 3.Rustic, artless. 9.Stormy, fierce, tumultuous, turbulent.
I had no idea that the word rude had so many definitions, this is very interesting.
I always thought that to be rude was only in speech or mannerism. It looks that it goes deeper than this. It is also possible to be rude in look or feeling.
It is one thing to meet children with these characteristics but an adult my goodness.
Lets break some of this down.
So if love is not rude, this tells me that Love is having, or not being without culture. What is Culture?
1. The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
2. That which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.
3. A particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period: Greek culture.
4. Development or improvement of the mind by education or training.
5. The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.
6. (Anthropology). The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another.
Wow this says a lot!
If rude is being without learning or refinement then love is to be a learner. The Greek word in the new testament for Disciple, “mathetes”. Comes from the verb manthano, to learn means to be a learner.
1.An improved, higher, or extreme form of something: a refinement of the old system.
2.Fineness or precision of thought, expression, manners, etc; polish or cultivation
3.A device, change, adaptation, etc, designed to improve performance or increase efficiency.
To take something and make it better.
This tells me that the love I have can always be made better, and I can learn how to perfect it when my heart is right.
It is not self seeking,
It does nothing for it self but looks out and puts others before it's self. In any relationship, particularly in marital relationships, if this would become the norm or even be practiced a little. I guaranty the divorce rate would plummet to an all time low!!!! Another word for self seeking is selfish ambition.
In Galatians 5: 19-20 selfish ambition is listed as one of the acts of the sinful nature.
In the book of James 3:16 it says where you have envy, and selfish ambition you will find disorder and every evil practice.
Ouch.....this of course would be considered as the exact opposite of love. Romans 12:10 says to Honor one another above yourselves.
Philippians 2:3-4 Says do nothing out of selfish ambition but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Imagine a marriage where each partner is NOT looking out for there own interest but more for the one of their partner. I know what your thinking, and at first I thought the same thing. That would suck! I would become a door mat and be walked all over.... But just think for a moment, what if we could just try it for a few days maybe one week in our marriages. That each person in the relationship would focus on the likes, wants, desires, and needs of the other before we would even think about ourselves.
Sadly this might require that some of us first learn truly what those likes, wants, desires, and needs are first. Not what we think they are but what they are....
I think if each partner could really pull it off for a week than it could radically transform relationships.
Wow just the thought of putting away our sinful nature (selfish ambition) and having the same attitude as Christ Jesus who did not consider being equal with God some thing to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant, being made into human likeness. He humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross! (Philippians2:5-8) An all I can think about at times is if I get to watch my favorite program or movie on TV, never mind that the program my wife likes is on at the same time. Or that I come home and make myself something to drink with no thought of my spouse who my have just finished cleaning the whole house, is cooking dinner, and has watched the kids all day. The list can go on and on, we need only to think about the other........
It is not easily angered,
Feeling or expressing annoyance, Resentment: the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.; Enraged; Animosity: A feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action.
I believe the majority of the above mentioned definitions would cease to exist when Selfish ambition is out of the way.
It keeps no records of wrongs,
This is a hard one! Oh, how often when the temperature is rising and our feelings and actions toward the other begin to change, and not in a good way either. We think to our self's, thoughts that we should never think about any one. The longer we have had a relationship with someone the worse it could be.
Our mouth opens and out pours the insults. It is in these moments that we are certainly thinking about the other person more than our self's but only in the negative.
Because of something they have said or done or perhaps not said or done, no matter big or small, we unload the history channel on them. It is for the primary purpose of shaming them, trying to point out how imperfect they are and most of the time to make them feel or look inferior to ourselves. After all what they have done has caused us some sort of pain or discomfort, and we can find that reaching into the past with our well kept list of there flaws will always insure our winning of the argument. But if not, at least we have made some important blows, making ourselves feel or look better and we are acting in that moment. That is in fact what the record of wrongs is about. “I am good and you are so Bad, just look at you....... Thank you God that you keep no record of my wrongs. Your love is amazing, and your mercies new every morning. Lord please give me this LOVE.....
Have you ever heard the term a little love can go a long way? As I sit and reread these last three blogs, I think I understand. If we had just a fraction more of this Love, it would transform families, communities, even countries.
Lord give me this LOVE....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Love Part 2
1Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Love is Patient.....Patient ya, lets look at that word.
Here are some definitions according to,
Bearing provocation,1. the act of provoking or inciting 2. something that causes indignation, anger, etc 3. words or conduct that incite a person to attack another.
Bearing annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude and calm and without complaint, anger, or the like. Enduring trying circumstances with even temper.
Quietly and steadily persevering or diligent, esp. in detail or exactness.
So in summery it means we put up with a lot with out losing it.
I don't know about you but I think that I am in need of some more Patients!
How many times have I in my words or conduct provoked my spouse? How many times do I annoy or get annoyed by my spouse only resulting in complaining or attacking her out of anger? We need to be honest with ourselves in reading these definitions.
How often do we complain about our spouse, friends, or family members, in front of them or to others? How often out of hardship, annoyance, and or pain do we lose our cool lashing out in anger seriously hurting them emotionally, or maybe even physically. In our thinking or not thinking (aka fighting) the mouth opens on both sides of the room and outcomes the !&^*&!#^$*&! some cases it is you hurt me , I hurt you.....In other cases it can in deed be more one sided. In the case of the so called strong silent type of person, in such situations they have a tendency to withdraw pulling every thing inside. Yet the wound is deep, it will not be shown but through time if not healed properly through true reconciliation can be reopened over and over again. This causes a slow roting root of bitterness, making the person after time unable to feel and or express true emotion.
Having Patients is extremely important in any Loving relationship, without it, it is not Love!
Love is Kind,
Kind: 1. having a friendly or generous nature or attitude 2. helpful to others or to another: a kind deed 3. considerate or humane 4. cordial; courteous (esp in the phrase kind regards ) 5. pleasant; agreeable; mild; 6. informal beneficial or not harmful: a detergent that is kind to the hands.
7. Of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
8. Having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.
9. Indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often fol. by to ): to be kind to animals.
10. mild; gentle.
Ah, here we go, this one doesn't step on my toes as much. I can relate more to this definition. Thank you Lord for Kindness, a quality I do have a lot of. Some people might look at this and realize they are not mild or in need of being more pleasant, generous, considerate, and agreeable.
After all LOVE IS KIND...
It does not Envy, or in some translations it says Love is not Jealous.
A feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc. Envy and jealousy are very close in meaning. Envy denotes a longing to possess something awarded to or achieved by another: to feel envy when a friend inherits a fortune. Jealousy, on the other hand, denotes a feeling of resentment that another has gained something that one more rightfully deserves: to feel jealousy when a coworker receives a promotion. Jealousy also refers to anguish caused by fear of unfaithfulness. To resent, Envy, begrudge, and covet refer to one's attitude toward the possessions or attainments of others. To envy is to feel resentful and unhappy because someone else possesses, or has achieved, what one wishes oneself to possess, or to have achieved: to envy the wealthy, a woman's beauty, an honest man's reputation. To begrudge is to be unwilling that another should have the possessions, honors, or credit that person deserves: to begrudge a man a reward for heroism. To covet is to long jealously to possess what someone else possesses.
Wow this is just about all of us....Makes me wounder, Envy definitely came in during the fall in the Garden. I think it is safe to say that it has grown into a huge tree with roots, woven into and at every level of culture and society. We are always looking at others and wishing, thinking that's not fair, or why can't I... Or saying with the fake smile and disgusted heart “Oh must be nice...” AHHHH...the forever true clique “ The grass is always greener on the other side!” Well isn't it??
We must have what everyone else has. If we don't then there is something wrong with us.
I began to look at my self on this and found that I was pretty ugly! I had envy of others that had big amazing anointed ministries. I had envy of those organizations that seem to have it all together with all their activities and every staff member driving a new Toyota pickup. I was Jealous of all the Missionaries that get to go with their families on holiday once every year or two. I could go on and on! I had to repent and realize that I was doing the opposite because Love does not envy.
Like I said in my first posting “Love part 1” I must make my life's goal Love. If I don't have LOVE I gain nothing!
You what is awesome? After spending some time with the Lord on this I have literally seen all my envy and jealousy leave my life. I can revisit every memory and circumstance of where it was before and see that now in it's place is beautiful, peaceful, Love....
Now as I move forward in life, I see clearly It is a matter of the heart! If there is envy or jealousy there then my choice will reflect that and so will my attitude toward others.
It does not Boast,
to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, esp. about oneself.
to speak of with excessive pride or vanity
Boast, brag imply vocal self-praise or claims to superiority over others. Boast usually refers to a particular ability, possession, etc., that may be one of such kind as to justify a good deal of pride: He boasts of his ability as a singer. Brag, a more colloquial term, usually suggests a more ostentatious and exaggerated boasting but less well-founded: He brags loudly of his marksmanship.
No one likes to be around a person that always talks about themselves. You know those that, for every story or situation has to share something about themselves or have a story that goes with that particular situation. Even if at that moment it is nothing to do with them. It is almost to say that they must input themselves into everything.
I remember that I use to do this, I would look for any opportunity where I could insert a story or something that would share about a situation I was in or encountered. In short I wanted people to look at me, I wanted to be noticed.. It was not that people were not interested in what I had to share or hear my crazy stories. But it can become a bit over kill, many times people who have a problem with boasting also have a problem in seeing timing and using tact on their constant opening of the mouth.
I thank God that I have over come this for the most part. The truth is I love to talk about my awesome, crazy, roll a coaster life. With God there is never a dull moment! But when it turns into boasting, thats just wrong. Love does not boast!
It is not proud,
feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself
having, proceeding from, or showing a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, or superiority.
stately, majestic, or magnificent
highly gratifying to the feelings or self-esteem
1.Contented, self-satisfied. Overbearing, self-important, disdainful, imperious, presumptuous.
Proud, arrogant, haughty imply a consciousness of, or a belief in, one's superiority in some respect. Proud implies sensitiveness, lofty self-respect, or jealous preservation of one's dignity, station, and the like. It may refer to an affectionate admiration of or a justifiable pride concerning someone else.
Arrogant applies to insolent or overbearing behavior, arising from an exaggerated belief in one's importance: arrogant rudeness. Haughty implies lofty reserve and confident, often disdainful assumption of superiority over others.
Another word coming from the same root, having the same meaning is Pride. I was taught that the shortest definition of pride is “I”...
It starts with I, ends with I and usually is filled in the middle with I,I,I,and I.
In a sense it means that it is about my thoughts, my wants, my desires, my feelings, my dislikes...
that tells me that it is my job, my house, my family, my studies, my business, my car, my church.
When it is all about “I” and it is all “my”, It leaves little room for Him (God)!
We have become so incredibly independent in this life that we only bring God in when we see we can fit him in. we have become to darn good at “running” our own life's. It's all about us, and sometimes what “we”or “I” do for him (God).
Love is not Proud but we sure are.
Lord help me to think of myself with sober judgment, placing others above myself.
I want this LOVE!!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Love Part 1
The other day I was with my wife on a date. We were talking about the usual, kids, Ministry, life in Africa, how much we love each other, etc... My wife asked me the same question that she often asks, “Do you know that I love you?” My response was as usual, “yes I do, do you know I Love you?”
She said Yes then asked me, “what do you love about me?” I am sorry, that is as much of the conversation as you are going to get. The rest is between us.
But I will say this, that conversation started my mind on a path that I would like to share with you.
Love, what is Love? There are in fact several padded answers for that one. Some would say, well it depends on who you ask. Love can be interpreted in many ways. What love is for one person could be looked at differently by another. Of course there are scores of books on the subject of “Love”, all with there opinions of what it looks like. Magazines full of articles and self helps to help you find that perfect “Love”... I don't know about any of that. I am far from being a specialist on it. I don't think it is a subject though... or at least I don't look at it as that. There are “love” stories.
But Love, in fact is a verb, meaning it is full of action. That is at least what I learned in school, that verbs are action words. Unfortunately Man as raped it, molested it, and abused it until it now looks nothing like it's original form. It has taken on an entirely different face and shape. No wounder people are so confused about “love”, because what they are getting is the new and NOT improved version.
Here are a few words and phrases that are connected now to our so called “love”; Touchy; feely; but I thought you loved me; if you love me then you would or would not; I just don't love him/her any more; I feel in love; I fell out of love; it's time to look out for me; he/she makes me feel loved again.
The list can go on and on.
I have heard these things and things like them all to often. With this warped misconception of love, it does not surprise me about the high percent of the divorce rate.
I have had this word “Love” running through my head non stop with these questions attached to it.
To answer these questions I am going to go through what I think is the oldest and greatest definition of the word “LOVE” The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13: 1-13.
Lets begin with verses 1-3
1. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
As I shared above this all started with the conversation that I had with my wife but did not end there by no means. This is the beginning of the path. I will now share what I have been getting through this study that the Lord is taking me through. My thoughts as well as my challenges.
Verses 1-3 spoke loud and clear!!! In my words, “It doesn't matter who I am or who I become, what I do or what I obtain. If I don't have LOVE I gain nothing. So what ever I do I better make sure that my life's goal is LOVE!”
Stay tuned next week for part 2
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sozo's God Story
I would like to share the very paraphrased version of Sozo Ministries Africa's “God Story”
It has been almost five years since the Lord had called us to work in the heart of Africa. It truly has been filled with ups and downs. Anyone that knows us could say that we are either completely insane or truly following a call by God. I tend to lean toward the later.
Four and a half years we spent in intense labor, striving to obtain our Organization's national registration in Rwanda. In the first thought one would think who in their right mind would stay some where for so long when it seems to be obvious that it is not working? Believe me it crossed my mind more than once.
But the truth is, I am not in (my) right mind. I have the mind of Christ, who, for the joy set before him endured death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:1-8)
The Lord has set a Joy before (SMA) Sozo Ministries Africa, a joy of his glory being poured out on the least of these, in the heart of Africa in such a mighty way that a hot fiery revival will break out in the heart and then sweep through the continent making the east Africa revival that took place in the 70's look like nothing.
It is this joy before us that makes us to endure! We have not understood everything that has happened but do understand that our God is Sovereign. He is preparing his heart! We have tripped many times along the way, meaning that we are not perfect and have made our amount of mistakes. Yet God remains Sovereign and on course with his plan.In October of 2008 God warned me in a dream that we were going to be leaving Rwanda and were to go to Burundi to start (SMA) Sozo Ministries Africa. I knew this was from God but disagreed. I knew nothing about Burundi, only that it was next door and most likely still at war. I fought the Lord for a long time, trying like Moses to change his mind.....As I said above I have made my share of mistakes.
In January 2009, we were told that we had to leave Rwanda, we had no choice in the matter. On my drive home God Showed up in the Car. He said “Travis now what? I gave you 3 months to prepare, now you have 1 week. What are you going to do?” I repented and cried all the way home. I told the Lord there was nothing for me to do but to obey. I will go to Burundi and start SMA as you have said.
It was when I arrived in Burundi that I learned it to is called the heart of Africa, some have even called it the heart of the heart. What joy to know that we were not moved out of the heart but into the center chamber. God remains Sovereign and on track.
In the beginning of June the Lord gave me the Scripture out of Zechariah 4:6-7. (paraphrased) “not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord. The mountain will become level, God bless it, God bless it” I began to pray this out. “Lord I know that there is nothing man can do to make this registration happen, it must rely only on your spirit to do this. Lord take this mountain and make it level that all will see your glory and shout, may God bless it, may God bless it.” At this time I really felt that we would have the registration before June 20th. That same week in a meeting at Foreign Affairs I was told “ I am sorry but you will just have to wait and plan your activities for January 2011.
on Sunday June 13th while in church the Lord told me to read in Daniel chapter 10, the story of the Angle appearing to Daniel. He had been fasting and praying for many days the Angle told him that he was sent out with Daniel's answer on the first day but there was a war going on and he was held by the prince of Persia, after 21 days the Angle Michael known as one of the chief Angle's came to help him.
The Lord spoke to me through this, showing me that our answer of our registration was already sent but that there was in fact a war going on in the Heavens. Something or someone was holding it from happening.
I began to pray on the spot saying “ Lord I know your will, I know that you want this to happen. I know that in the heavens this registration has already taken place and I agree with you. Now will you send your waring Angle's to battle the enemy that is trying to hold this from happening. I ask now that you will free up this messenger that is holding this registration so that he can come and deliver that which he was sent for so long ago.
Two days later on Tuesday June 15th the secretary walked out of the Ministers office holding our signed Agreement. He looked at me and said “I don't know how you did it, but I want to be the first to congratulate you on your registration”.
Not by might, Not by power, But by my Spirit says the Lord!!!!
This is truly a God Story! Thank you to all that have stood by us and this ministry through out these long hard years. I would like to say that we are at the end but the truth is the journey has just began!
Please feel free to share this with as many people as you want, to God be the Glory!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Comfort for a day
The following facts and figures I read in a book that was written and given to me by a good friend of mine entitled “For what it's worth”, Author Simon Guillebaud.
In 1998, a UN Human Development report said that the three richest people in the world own the amount of wealth equal to the combined GDP of the worlds poorest 48 nations.
Basic education for the world only cost an extra $6 billion a year, while $8 billion a year is spent on cosmetics in the United States alone.
Installation of water and sanitation for the whole world would cost $9 billion, but $11billion is spent on ice-cream in Europe in one year.
Health care and Nutrition would cost $13 billion but $17 billion is spent each year in the US and in Europe on pet food.
$35 billion is spent on business entertainment in Japan.
$50 billion is spent on cigarettes in Europe.
$105 billion on alcoholic drinks in Europe.
$400 billion on narcotic drugs around the world.
$780 billion on the worlds armed forces.
In 1997, UNDP reports it would cost $80 billion a year to wipe out poverty from the planet until 2007, which is less than one half of one percent of global income and is about the equivalent of the combined net worth of the seven richest men on earth.
I have to be honest, reading these reports was very hard for me. Especially since I am living and working in what is considered to be the third poorest nation in the world.
Toward the end of last month we received an invitation from the Dutch embassy. It was announcing a party that would be held at the Netherlands ambassadors residence celebrating the national holiday “Queens day”. My wife and I got excited, wow I thought, a chance to get out and rub elbows with some of the high class locals and diplomats. Not to mention I knew there would a lot of free typical dutch food and as many drinks as I wanted.
Upon arrival I froze as I glanced around I could not help to feel like a fish out of water. There were around 400 people and as I said before the delicious food and drinks were flowing.
Immediately some one came and asked me what I would like to drink. As the night slowly progressed I found myself looking around and my mind taking me places that I didn't feel like being. I could not stop thinking about how much money was being spent on the free flowing alcohol and the countless trays of goodies that most likely had been flown in for this special event.
I then thought of all the embassies world wide, where I was sure similar functions were also happening at the same time or at least with in my time zone.
I began to feel sick to my stomach as I thought of all the aid and people that could be helped with the money that was being spent in just this one evening.
At this moment I had a choice to make, it was to burst into tears and leave the party or to some how turn myself off or at least my mind form what was happening to me. What I experienced next was what they call in psychology “disassociation”. This happens to many people in life during times of trauma, difficulty, hardship, and or when you find your self in a place / situation where you rather not be.
It is when the mind shuts off and you are there so to speak but also not. It actually is more common than people realize. You could call it a built in couping mechanism.
Have you ever heard the term the lights are on but no one is home?
This is what I experienced, part of me shut off and I then remember going through the rest of the evening having conversations and going through the motions. It was as if I was participating but not thinking of where or what was going on around me.
This reminded me of our trip back to the west (Europe & America) in 2008. I remember very well walking through large shopping malls and supermarkets. I would often be so over whelmed by all the stuff and all the choices, I would find my mind taking me back to Africa. then I would start crying as I thought about the orphans, the widows and the poorest of the poor that I had just spent the last 3.5 years of my life with. All of a sudden I would be pulled back into reality by one of my children making a comment or asking me a question.
All in all it was a difficult time, many times feeling uncomfortable with all the comfort, with all the choices. Don't get me wrong there were times of great joy and fun as well. But in all honesty it was bitter sweet. After a few weeks even my children were asking me when are we going home to Africa. Just that thought makes me want to cry again.
These last few days have got me thinking, what the hec is wrong with me?? There are times that I long for the comforts of the west! But when some of those times come, I find it hard to enjoy them. Why is it that even if I have the money to waste, or as they say burn. I find it hard to spend it on me or my family in the things that are considered comfort or luxurious here?
A while back some good friends of mine sent me and my family for a nice weekend at a five star hotel on a beautiful beach. They booked it and paid for everything, their only question to me was what week end are you going. They told me we are doing it this way because we know that if we just give you the money you will not spend it on your selfs, they were right. What a blessing!
I have have been wondering do all long term missionaries go through this?
Am I going crazy?
Am I ruined for Comfort???
I look back at those facts and figures above and ask the Lord this question. “if we could turn off comfort for one day around the world. What good could we do with all that money?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Persecution & Revival
Persecution; a word that is well known by the christian church, or in any religious setting for that matter. It has been there for as long as anyone can remember. I am not going to go into the why's, lets just say that it is there. We were warned about this from Christ himself when he said.(paraphrased) “you will be persecuted because of my name sake. In the same way they persecuted those before you, you also will be persecuted and even put to death. If they persecuted me they will persecute you.”
I don't know about you but I don't get any comfort from those words.... Those are the kind of words you read and then sit and think about if you want to continue on the path your headed.
As a boy growing up in church I learned these scriptures, read the stories over and over in the bible. Heard them taught by various pastors. But I really didn't understand them! Lets be honest, I had no point of reference. It didn't really fit into my cultural setting. I had the freedom of religion behind me, (thank you bill of rights)... unless being called a Jesus freak, holy roller, and holy man is considered persecution. I was taught that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. This of course is not entirely true, names can and do hurt. In the culture I am in now I meet so many wounded people. People with names that mean; Not wanted, forgotten, having no one, alone, demon, pain, inconsiderate, and the list goes on and on... I guess it can be a form of persecution.
I grew up not thinking that name calling could be persecution but in my mind it was something totally different. Being beaten almost to death because of confessing Jesus as lord and savior of your life. Thrown in prison and having unthinkable things happen to you due to your faith. Losing your entire family as they right you off as being dead because you say that Jesus is Lord. Having a rope put around your neck and hung from a tree until dead because you believed in Christ as the son of God. Having your head cut off and put on a pole for show because you believed in Jesus as your savior. Many years ago In North Korea they rounded up the Christians they found from the underground church and laid them all on the road so that they could be ran over by a steam roller, starting at their feet and proceeding to the head.
All of these things and more have happened and are still happening today. We rarely hear about them, they have stopped to be reported. We put labels on some them such as holy wars, or terrorism.
This I do know as I look at the Christian church in the various nations and people groups that have been experiencing an seeing such horrifying acts as mentioned above one thing always rings through. You could say that history has continued to repeat it self. It is this, it produces a harvest of righteousness, the church grows, it becomes stronger, and the glory and power of God is seen in ways not known to us in the western church.
As I sat and pondered this I couldn't help but to think about my own Nation and people in North America. I found myself getting a bit sad almost to the point of tears. I thought to myself it's not fair why has the west been so blessed with your presence?
Why are we always experiencing so many revivals? God why is this? We keep being blessed by you pouring out your spirit. Fires of revival our breaking out all over the west while our brothers and sisters every where els our dieing.
The Christian faith in the west as a whole still seems so weak compared to our brothers and sisters abroad. Isn't time that the roles are reversed let revival break out among the developing Nations, among the least of these. Let the western church experience some real persecution for a while.
Oh crap did I just say that??? what am I thinking? Lord only you know, I am so glad I don't have your job!!
As I sit and meditate on those thoughts I am reminded of a conversation I had with this very wise and beautiful young women, my wife. She made a comment that struck me as we were discussing this one day. She said “ I wounder if God keeps blessing the western church with revival because it is during those times that the most resources are given to the persecuted church”. Ummmmm........
Another thought that came to my mind was the persecuted church does not need to be revived because they are already very much awake.
I am reading a book now in titled “The rising Revival” this book has many contributors (co authors) for the making. The main editors were Peter Wagner & Pablo Deiros. In the beginning of the book Peter Wagner gives a bit of history of revivals in the west. The focus is on the fact that with an exception of a few of them, most only lasted for 2 to 3 years. This is very interesting to me because the list of noted revivals with in the west is quite large and the effects have been pretty amazing. But why this constant on and off thing? Why only 2 or 3 years? Some times many years go by before anything happens again. What can be done to sustain it longer? Peter has some interesting thoughts as he writes about and gives examples of the revival that broke out in Argentina and lasted for over 15 years.
He says “I am convinced that many revivals have not lasted because they were focused on blessing those who were already Christians----renewing their faith in God, increasing their intimacy with Jesus, intensifying their worship experiences, healing their bodies, restoring broken family relationships, providing for financial needs, deepening their hunger for God's word, encouraging them with prophetic words and the like. Evangelizing the lost in the community and out in the world is invariably mentioned, but is frequently subject to an underlying assumption: we must first polish up the existing Christians and develop their walk with God first. Then when this is done, we will be properly equipped to move out to evangelize the lost. There is much truth in that assumption, but the fact of the matter is that many revivals have become stuck in implementing the first part and they have never gotten around to aggressively evangelizing the lost.
The Argentine revival was kicked off by an evangelist that never deviated a bit from his primary calling to reach the lost. Because the two main faces of that revival maintained singular focus in the early days of the revival, it kept it from falling victim to the “bless-me syndrome” that has been the down fall of so many others.”
As I look at other revivals that have happened outside the U.S. to compare them I can see what Mr. Wagner is talking about. With the exception of the east African revival back in the 70's which went on for thirty years. The Argentina revival is the only other recorded revival that I have found that has lasted longer than a few years.
The Focus on the lost is one of the biggest differences between theses revivals. We are talking about moves of God that radically blew through Nations changing everything in it's path. Nations that were known for their low percentages of Christians all of a sudden were being called and considered to be Christian nations. The Nation of Uganda particularly at one time had such a high rate of HIV Aids that it was said by experts that if some thing did not happen fast that Uganda would soon be no more.(paraphrased) Well something did happen, a miracle, all of a sudden with no way for man to explain it the HIV Aids rate drastically went down. This was due to the president of the nation in that time calling out to the church and dedicating his nation to the Lord.( ummm... Nation's leaders calling out to God.)
This is the kind of revival that is needed again, a revival fire so hot that it burns everything in it's path, transforming everything from politics to health care, to even the weather. Drought disappearing in the regions where only famine was known, HIV Aids disappearing and life expectancies increasing, Nations know for fraud, deception, and corruption will all of a sudden have a mantel of integrity and humility.
This is the revival that is being conceived on the continent of Africa where I am now residing. We are praying, working, and waiting for the labor pains to start.
Oh for the Joy set before us, Lord help us not to be weary but to fix our eyes on the prize.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Promise Land....
In 2005 the Lord led me and my family out of where we were. No we were not in captivity yet at times it might of felt that way. What I mean is that there was a promise land set before us and a vision from the Lord of what it looked like. We could not take all that we had but were extremely limited to the rules and regulations of flying. We had never been there before and really had no clue on how to go. But the Promise land was there and I knew it, I could feel it, I would see it in my dreams. So with God given vision and him as our guide we left on our journey.
From that time till now I guess you could say was our desert experience.... I heard a pastor once teach that the way that God took his people was not the shortest route. If you were to look at it on a map you would find that there in fact was an easier and shorter route they could of taken. I don't know if this is true, but it does some how make since to me. I have often asked the Lord “why is this taking so long?”
Along the way we have had some good times and some bad times. I cant help but to wonder if the best times had come due to our mermering and complaining, so out of the Lords mercy and grace he said ok here is some water, here is some mana, here is some meat. In our case it looked more like: “ok here are some miracles, here is some refreshing, here is a small taste of what it will look like.”
August of this year (2010) will mark our journey at 5years. Through this time I must admit there has been times that I have lost sight of the vision. Times of wanting to just give up and throw in the towel. Times of questioning: Is that really you God?, Did I really hear you? Why did you bring us out here to die? (spiritually speaking,...OK maybe physically also.) Times of feeling like a complete failure as a christian, husband, and father.....
It of course did not help our journey and understanding, having the nay Sayers around us. But just like God's people in the desert I believe it was necessary in a since. I don't say I understand it but I do see that God aloud them to be there for a season in the journey. It is unclear just what roll they play in the over all journey. Was it for discouragement? Was it to make us stronger, not to waver in our thinking? Was it that they just cared so much and their lack of understanding was just as great as ours, but they wanted to protect us from possible hurt?
The why & what questions have been the top questions for me in these last five years. Why does it take me 5years to get my ministry registered in a developing nation? What did I do wrong to be removed from a country twice? Why can't more people see my heart? Why did I have to give up 8 of my precious children? What did I do wrong? What law did I break? Why is it that injustice seems to be prevailing? Why can't more people stand against injustice and unrighteousness? Why do people fear something that can not touch them? Why can't people store up their treasures in Heaven?
I could go on and on, I do have answers to most of these questions but I am afraid they would not appease most.
As I sit now, I am on the banks of the Jordan river. The Promise land is on the other side. I see it! All we have to do is cross the river. No need to send spies into the land, it is already ours. We only need to cross and take it. I don't know how long it will take us to cross this river but we will cross and when we do the much awaited promise will be there.
The Lord has continued to remind us through this time that he is the one in control, he is the one leading and he is the one providing. God keeps pointing us to Deuteronomy chapter 8 in the old testament of the bible. The whole chapter is really nice but I will put emphasis on the verses that jumped of the page slapped me.
Deuteronomy8:1-20 Be careful to obey all the commands I am giving you today. Then you will live and multiply, and you will enter and occupy the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors. 2. Remember how the Lord your God led you through the wilderness for forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would really obey his commands.3b. He did it to teach you that people need more than bread for their life; real life comes by feeding on every word of the Lord. 6. So obey the commands of the Lord your God by walking in his ways and fearing him.
7. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with springs that gush forth in the valleys and hills. 10. When you have eaten your fill, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11. But that is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and laws. 12. For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine homes to live in.13. and when your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver and gold have multiplied along with everything else, 14a. that is the time to be careful. Do not become proud at that time and forget the lord your God, 17. He did it so you would never think that it was your own strength and energy that made you wealthy. 18. Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you the power to become rich, and he does it to fulfill the covenant he made with your ancestors.
We to have a promise, a promise of a children s village that will raise up a mighty army of God of the least of these. That every one who steps foot on the land will be made whole, that if we do this Gods way and not mans way we will see his power, glory, and presents not only rest but rule and reign in the place. It will be a place where revival will be birthed in hearts of many, burning, and growing then be a launching ground into the Nations of Africa for the purpose of seeing the continent or Africa become a continent of Light and not darkness.
This is what I will say amen to, this what I will serve until the day I die....(Strong words require a stronger belief and a strong belief is accompanied by an obedience to the calling that goes beyond our human understanding.)
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Glasses we wear...
They say to themselves and or those around them things like; we have that where I am from to, we do the same in my culture, People are people no matter where you are, etc..
There is nothing wrong with this per say. When put in a place where nothing is familiar and we are as uncomfortable as it gets, it is natural to try to make oneself somehow feel more at home by likening what is seen or what is being experienced to something that is well known to us. . When or if this does not occur can cause someone to go into what is called culture shock. There are various levels of culture shock that one can go through that I will not go into.
The truth is; People are people not matter where you go. That is the same as saying no matter where you go, there you are… You can always find some underlining things no matter what culture you are in, this is because of the fact that we are all made by the same wonderful creator. It is also true to say that, that same wonderful creator is a very creative creator. Meaning there is not two people on this earth that are exactly the same.
I will call this pair of glasses the “I” glasses. I believe at one point in time all people who live and or work cross culturally wear these glasses, it is how we fit into places and how we help others to fit into our world (life). We must relate everything or most of everything to what works for us or fits into our understanding. To put it plainly, when we don’t understand something or it is to different from what we know or have experienced our first reaction is to either reject it completely or reason it into our own cultural understanding. This is sad but the truth and can easily be seen through the way we live our lives, from practical to the spiritual.
It is unfortunate that the above scenario is the most common pair of glasses we as people wear.
This is not just about how we see things, no it is more than that. It is our perspective on life, the way we relate to others and live around them, what we except into our lives as normal or what we shun.
I remember when I was in my 20’s there was this one day I found myself staring at this huge mural (painting ) on a wall. I remember being so captivated and engaged in it. I was in awe of the detail and the size of it. It was a painting of the earth! It showed everything, every continent, every country, every little island, everything! I looked at where I was at the time and where I had been in my life. I was speechless….
All my life, I had spent between 3to4 States on the west coast of the United States. As I stood there staring in awe of how big the world was and how little of it that I had seen or experienced. I couldn’t speak… All I kept thinking was “WOW” So many people, so many countries, so many cultures, and none of them are like me. They celebrate different holidays than I do, they eat differently than I do, they think differently than I do, they speak differently than I do… Everything I know, and everything I think I know is different and I don’t know any of them…
I learned early in my walk with the Lord that the word or the term we use to be a “disciple” means in the original Greek text of the bible “to be a learner”. Now we of course need to apply this to our spiritual life but why shouldn’t it go further than that… “To be a learner” in life, of life, through life! I know, heaven forbid that we would have to admit that we don’t really know something.
The last 16 years of my life have been spent observing, talking, living, asking questions, and learning how others live and experience life in their countries and cultures. It is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Our God is so amazing!!! When I look at the map of our world today I realize now that I have had the joy of living and working in more countries than states I have visited in the U.S.
The other pair of glasses that I speak of has to do with what I just talked about in the above paragraphs. I will call them the “learner” glasses. These glasses are not always easy to wear sometimes they can be uncomfortable and at other times downright painful to have on. It requires us to take off our “I” glasses and when we do that we feel vulnerable, blind, and confused. Why would we consider doing such a thing you ask? When we do this we are putting ourselves aside and putting others above ourselves.
This is of course a very biblical principle, placing others above oneself. If everyone would just do this a little bit, the world could be a better place.
Having the learner glasses on means asking lots of questions, Questions about others; like what makes them tick? What makes them happy, sad, mad, etc. where did they come from (geographically, or just about their upbringing). What about their family, do they have siblings? Do they have both their parents, only one parent, or no parents? Were they exposed to religion at a young age, if so what, and what effect did it leave on them? What kind of traumatic events have they experienced in their lives? War, death’s & or decease, divorce, abuse;(physical, verbal, emotional). The list of questions can go on and on… this is how we learn, this is how we know people. In this moment it is all about them and not about you. I frequently ask my wife questions like, what do (you) like about the way I communicate. How can I communicate better to (you)? Do (you) like how I touch (you)? What can I do to make (you) feel more turned on? Do (you) like it when I, _______??
You see it is about what she wants and what she feels that is important to me! The largest part I play is the listening and learning then my actions will reflect how much I learned.
I have found that when I go into a relationship, another country or culture with my learner glasses on, what I gain personally can never be taught to me in a school or book. It is about the questions I ask and the attitude I have in the situation that will determine how much I can gain.
With the learner glasses on it is also important to ask questions to yourself as well! Questions like; what do I believe about______?? Why?? How has it affected my life? When _________(this) happened to me, why did I react the way I did? When _________(event) took place in my life, how did it affect my life and what did it make me believe about myself?
You see if we will just put on the learner glasses and ask the right questions, we can gain so much knowledge about God, others, ourselves, even our enemy.
I have actually experienced that the longer I wear these glasses the more comfortable they become. The more adventurous and enjoyable life also becomes. When I try to put back on the “I” glasses, they don’t fit right and I feel very uncomfortable in them. Life is really not as fun when all I see is “I”.
We all carry both glasses around with us but can choose which ones we wear. So how about it, what glasses are you most comfortable in??