Thursday, August 16, 2007

So goes the Day...

Here we go again, it’s out to Kibuye to see the land. This time we have got the big girls (Nani & Zoey) with us, it will be a first for them. Also coming along is our friends Aaron and Kendra who are here for the week visiting us.

I shared with Aaron and Kendra more about the dream and vision of what God has shown for this place to look like. Aaron turns and says he can see it!!It's funny because now the grass and bushes around are twice the size of before.
none the less, I just look and thank God for how far we have come.
One day this area will be filled with hundreds of orphans on their knees worshiping God and being set free. I find my self praying "God let it come! Please!" The lord reminds me of Habakkuk 2:2-3 (my answer, yes Lord I will!!)
Nani and Zoey really enjoyed them selfs, running around playing and just sitting to enjoy the view. So Dad this is really all ours? For the orphans? Wow!! One day it will be, one day.. I said..
They can see it! Praise God they can see it.. they started talking with me where they thought things should be built. Ha ha... (precious)

Cant go to the lake with out a swim. They had a blast! Some little local boy saw them and paddled in for a closer look. Ummmm little man in boat by himself, I must admit it was impressive to watch him move that boat around.

After awhile we found our selfs surrounded by cows and boats, realizing this point must be the local (boat)taxi stop and cow feeding area.

All in all the people are precious every one getting out of their boats not knowing us but delighted to see us. One very old woman was so excited she kept hugging and shaking our hands saying in the Kinarwanda (local langage) " Praise God, Praise God, God Bless you!!"
Did she see or know some thing I did not?? Ummmm..... And so was the Day, on the future Heaven Touching Earth land.
Let your Kingdom come, your will be done. In this place as it is in Heaven!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I want to say here is, you guys belong here! The picture of the two of you looks like you are home! AMEN!!!!